NMCC Celebrates “为伟大让路。” at this Year’s Foundation Annual Dinner


NMCC business student Jalen Lucas speaks to attendees about his experience moving to Northern Maine from his home country, 特立尼达拉岛 & Tobago, and how he’s been impacted by the College and the Foundation.

普雷斯克岛 -星期四晚上, 11月16日, 2023, mg游戏试玩举办了年度晚宴, 突出今年的主题, “为伟大让路。.” The evening began with a Foundation 董事会会议 followed by social hour allowing guests to visit student displays showcasing the latest technology from various programs. 在该事件所庆祝的财政年度内, mg游戏试玩拨款超过135美元,学生奖学金.

在董事会年度会议期间, 在晚宴前举行, Chair of the Board Ryan Bushey welcomed the new incoming Chair of the Board, Presque岛Versant Power的Gina LeBlanc-Eggert说. 在他担任主席的第二年,也是最后一年, Bushey had worked closely with LeBlanc-Eggert as his Vice Chair. LeBlanc-Eggert was selected by the Nominating Committee as the top candidate for the Chair role. The Board voted unanimously in favor of LeBlanc-Eggert, whose term will begin at the December 20th 董事会会议. She will be supported by new Vice Chair Tony Lahey of MMG Insurance, 谁在2023年1月加入董事会.

The board of directors recognized Steve Ouellette of Frank Martin Sons Inc. of Fort Kent for his nine years of service as he reached the maximum number of consecutive terms. During the 2024 year, Ouellette will serve in emeritus status as a non-voting member.

董事会还投票选举了一名新董事, Daigle Oil首席运营官Carter Vaillancourt说, 谁来填补奥莱特的空缺. Vaillancourt works and lives in Fort Kent and brings unique insights into the needs of the St. 约翰·谷.

格里芬戈因, 发展与公共事务学院院长, 同时也是mg游戏试玩的执行董事, 以介绍今年的主题作为晚会的开场白, 声明, “当我们谈论阿鲁斯托克县的伟大时, 我们说的不是NMCC, 但是这个社区的伟大, and the students we see each day who entrust the College with their future.”

NMCC President Timothy Crowley updated the audience on the latest projects on campus, including the upcoming groundbreaking for the new childcare center, as well as the status of federal Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) projects, 总计4美元.在2022年至2023年期间,将增加800万人口. President Crowley celebrated November’s graduating class of mechanized loggers who, 这是该项目历史上的第一次, 也获得了CDL a级许可证. He also spoke of the advancing partnership with Maine Maritime Academy to train Maine’s offshore wind workforce to meet the future demand. Crowley expressed appreciation to Aroostook County’s state delegation, 国家代表团, 让这些创新项目成为可能.

mg游戏试玩 Chair Ryan Bushey spoke of the extraordinary accomplishments that the Foundation had made over the last twelve months, 包括筹集超过314美元,捐款额达5万元. 在他的讲话中, Bushey announced the endowment of the newly established Paula Michaud Memorial Scholarship, 哪一个获得了超过10美元的最后必要捐款,活动当天的捐赠水平为000.

Student speakers took the stage and spoke of their academic journey and how the mg游戏试玩 impacted their lives. 第一位演讲者, 亚历克西斯•史密斯, 描述了她的家庭从密西西比农村搬来的情况, and how much her life has transformed since moving to Aroostook County and enrolling at NMCC.

水处理技术高级Kenny Jandreau, a non-traditional student who returned to college after years in the workforce, 描述了他与森林的关系, 他小时候钓鱼和打猎, 这让他开始了保护自然资源的事业. 最后, international student Jalen Lucas told his story about moving to 普雷斯克岛 from his home country, 特立尼达和多巴哥, and his gratitude for the opportunities available through the college.

The Foundation presented Stephanie Beaulieu with this year’s Newly Endowed Scholarship award, for her contribution to endow the Fields Realty Memorial Scholarship in memory of her late father, 老李·斯科特·菲尔兹.

Two anonymous donors from Connecticut received this year’s Outstanding Benefactor Award for their contributions to the Wind Power Technology program, establishing both the Wind Power Scholarship – a pass-through scholarship to support wind students – and a $20,000 donation toward the creation of promotional products to support the program to a wider audience.

基金会最负盛名的荣誉, 鹰奖, went to outgoing Board Chair Ryan Bushey for his steadfast efforts in advancing LD 1988, the legislation passed in August that provides $1 million dollars towards building the new childcare center on NMCC campus.

The foundation dinner takes place each November, traditionally on the Thursday prior to Thanksgiving. 有关mg游戏试玩的更多信息,请访问NMCC.edu. 


The mg游戏试玩 presented outgoing Board Chair Ryan Bushey (left) with this year’s Eagle Award at the Annual Dinner on 11月16日th. The award was announced by Foundation Executive Director 格里芬戈因 (right).

NMCC水处理技术高级Kenny Jandreau, a non-traditional student who returned to college after years in the workforce, 描述了他与森林的关系, 他小时候钓鱼和打猎, 让他走上了保护自然资源的职业道路.

NMCC文科新生亚历克西斯·史密斯, 谁正在完成她的护理预备课程, 描述了为什么她的家人从密西西比搬到缅因州, 以及她如何在学院和社区找到了一个家.


关于mg游戏试玩: The mg游戏试玩 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established to support the mg游戏平台 in its efforts to transform the lives of students in the community through education and training. In 2022-2023 academic year, the Foundation dispersed more than $135,000 in scholarships. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors tasked with upholding the highest standards of ethical and fiscal responsibility. Additional information about the mg游戏试玩 can be found at volamdolong.com or by contacting Executive Director 格里芬戈因 at (207) 768-2809 or emailing nggoins@volamdolong.com.